Thursday, April 10, 2008

When you think you have it bad

Today, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I was thinking about how long this adoption is taking, and how it isn't fair that we don't have our baby yet. I came across this blog today, and I realized how incredibly selfish I am. When there are days that you think things couldn't get any worse, remember that there are people suffering way more than you ever will. My heart breaks for this family,and I can't get them off my mind. Please pray for this family!!!

Just as a side note, the man you hear singing on my blog, is the father of the baby you will be reading about.


BumbersBumblings said...

Hey Heather! I just ran across that blog yesterday. So heartbreaking--I couldn't stop reading. I love Selah, so it really captivated me. Hope things start progressing more quickly with your adoption.
