Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sooooo, We're Still Waiting

It has been one week since we got our last update from our agency. We were told that we probably wont know until March whether or not Phu Tho will release our Consent To Adopt. They are waiting to see how the US Embassy responds to the two that they already released, If they respond positively, they will release our doc., if they dont then I think you can guess the outcome. It is so hard to think that we may be waiting until March, only to lose Maya. We are desperately praying that the US Embassy will tread lightly, and will not tick off Phu Tho, and they they will work in a quick manner. Right now it would be a miracle if we got to her before her first birthday. Would you please pray for a miracle with us? We desperatly want Maya to come home to us, and we would love to spend some time with her before her 1st birthday. Thank you for your prayers!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Will Lift My Eyes (pause video on right first )

Monday, January 7, 2008

68 days and counting

Just thought I would give an update. Maya turns 6 months old today, Woo hoo! I thought we would definitely have her by now, but I guess not. Things are not going as we had hoped, or planned. I would love to tell you that I am optimistic about things, but I can't. I am very discouraged, and I am preparing myself for the loss of our baby. However, I am praying that we will be plesantly surprised with an encouraging phone call soon. Who knows. I will keep you posted.
Please continue to pray for our family as we have recently lost my grandfather, and we are trying to prepare our hearts to lose Maya. Thank you for your continued prayers.