Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Third Day Christmas song (pause video on right first)

I wanted to share this song with you, because it is my heart right now. When I first heard this song I started sobbing. Thank you Kate, for sharing it with me!!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Laughing baby (pause video on side first)

I know most of you have seen this before, but it cracks me up everytime I see it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

We are still Waiting!

We are still waiting on the Phu Tho officials to release our last piece of paperwork. Until they do, we cannot proceed with the adoption.We are praying that God will soften the officials hearts and that they will release it. We have written a letter to the officials asking them to reconsider. Please be praying as that letter will be sent off this week. I am praying that God will protect and save Maya for us, but if He doesn't please pray for us and our children because their little hearts will be broken. They already love her so much. No matter what happens, we know that GOD is in control, and He wants what is best for our family. Thank you for praying for us!