Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Praise You In This Storm (pause video on the side first)

As things are really unsettled right now with the adoption, my heart's cry and my desire is that no matter the outcome, I will praise Him in this storm.

Monday, November 26, 2007

PRAYING for good news!

We are still waiting for our I-600 papers to be filed. The Phu Tho province has not sent the document needed to get the immigration investigation started. I am getting very anxious, but the Lord is continuing to calm my heart and my fears. If ever I have needed His strength and His peace, it is now. Please pray for me as my heart is daily breaking for my sweet baby girl, but also as I am learning to cling to the Lord as he carries me/us through this difficult time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


For those of you who know me, you know that this part of the adoption process is the hardest for me. THE WAITING! I was fine when I was busy for hours at a time doing the paperwork, because it felt like we were moving closer to our baby girl. This waiting however, is torturous. I can't do anything to move it faster.
Lately, things have been getting more difficult. The I-600 form that has to be approved for the baby to come back into the country, hasn't even started to be processed yet. It takes a minimum of 60 days to process. I was just informed the other day, that the countdown has not even begun yet. That was hard to swallow. I thought we might be going in January, but it is looking like February now. You cannot even imagine the heartache when you think you might have your baby home for Christmas, and now it might not happen till Feb.

BUT! God has been working on me. I was laying bed last night crying, and praying. I was crying out to Him to show me what I could do to move this along faster, and this morning He gave me a verse.

Exodus 14:14
" The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."

I just wanted to share that with you, because it is amazing how much He loves us, and just how involved He is with our lives! Please pray that I will Be Still.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here are the Halloween pics that I promise. Morgan was a Victorian princess, Kristian was Jack Sparrow, and Harrison was batman. Apparently, batman growls. I didn't know that till Halloween night :-) They had so much fun, and got a ton of candy. I don't think they fell asleep until after midnight. Woohoo for the mom and dad!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thank you Jennifer for putting this together for us!!!

Many of you have asked when we will be traveling. To answer your question, "We don't know".
Normally we would have been in country within four weeks of receiving our referral, but the laws have just been changed. Effective Oct.29 we now have to file our I-600 (baby's immigration papers) from here instead of in Vietnam. This process is supposed to take 60 days. We are still praying that God will work things out so that we can have our baby home for Christmas, if not we will praise Him for His perfect timing.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

God Is Good!!!!

We can hardly believe that we have a picture of our beautiful baby girl. I have been carrying it everywhere with me. I went out to dinner with some girlfirends last night, and I took the picture. I've been getting compliments on her already, and she's not even here yet. :-)
The kids are so excited to finally see her. Harrison (3), everytime he sees her picture he asks, is that my baby? So CUTE!
I ask that you keep praying for her. Now that we all have seen her face, we can picture her when we are praying. Please pray that God will continue to bless her with good health, protection, comfort, and quick travel for her parents so she can finally be held in their loving, anxious, arms.
Thank you all, who have been continually praying for her. Keep her in your prayers as we get ready to go get our baby girl.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Her name is Hua Thi Ha.
She was born on July 7, 2007.
At two months she weighed 9lbs, and was 21 inches long.
Praise God for answerd prayers!!!!