Wednesday, September 26, 2007

  • My child, I carried you in my heart before you were even born And dared to dream that you were real.
    My child, I carried your picture with me since the day I received it, And dared to love a child I was yet to meet.
    My child,I carried you in my arms at last,and gazed in helpless wonder at your face, And dared to lose my heart to you.
    And now, my child, a dream fulfilled, a prayer answered, a family created, I have dared to become a mom.
    And so now, my precious child, I shall carry you home.


Heather Field said...

I just found your blog today and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. We are a christian family of six and are hoping to hear of our referral by the end of this year. It always brings me a huge sense of peace to see others experiencing the same lack of patience that I do. Although I know in my heart that this is all in God's perfect timing, my heart still aches to see her little face and hold her in my arms. I am looking foward to following your journey and can't wait to hear that you have her picture and info!

Anna said...

The poem brought tears to my eyes. I love it! Anna